Who We Are?

Mezcare focuses at empowering people with special needs to live their best lives regardless of their individual differences and spectrum, and we believe that ‘quality life and rights to make decisions on issues that concerns participants is phenomenon under human rights, and the expectations of NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. 

Our belief is not just about years of experience, but a wealth of knowledge and characteristics that dully reflect human rights, respect, dignity and confidentiality of those whose trusts are in Mezcare. We believe that those with disability deserve to be treated right in any environment they found themselves because they deserve to be part of the development, because they deserve to be respected members of communities, because they deserve to be given the opportunity to informed decisions just like everyone else, and they deserve to be given care by those with wealth of knowledge in disability, mental health and all other trauma.

Our Purpose

To strengthen, empower and detoxify the mindset of the public towards those with special needs to live their best lives regardless of their situation.

To assist our government, our community and networks with similar industry to safeguard and ensure no individual with disability is disenfranchised, but taken care of in their life journey through compliance to Mezcare service values and NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission structures.

Our Pledge

MezCare pledges to:

  • Hold an image that reflects love in all of MezCare.
  • Display characteristic that promotes quality, embraces religious beliefs, integrity, cultural differences
  • Maintain confidentiality at all times
  • Minimise risk to all parties
  • Create a sustainable plan and
  • Enable integration that inspires our participants
Our Values

MezCare values includes, but not limited to:

  • Resilience
  • Compassion
  • Respect
  • Courage
  • Collaboration
  • Consistency, and
  • Advocacy for those whose health is challenged

We are committed to supporting Western Australians

At Mezcare do we believe that life is about being supportive, especially at the time of needs?

Yes we do!

We provide individualised care, tailored just for you.